Link Lärm – Troppo Presto… …O Troppo Tardi?

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Link Lärm – Troppo Presto… …O Troppo Tardi?

(Italian hc/punk band active 1983-1986. Played with Impact, Wretched, Indigesti, Peggio Punx, Anti-Sect, No Pigs, Varukers,… In their time they released an 11 track demo tape and had 4 songs on the compilation LP “Sutura Eterna” (together with Disper-Azione, Antisbarco and Midgard). Three of them then formed Contropotere together with 2 ex members of Elettrocrazia (from Naples). This is the discography album that includes the demo (11 songs), the 4 tracks from the Sutura Eterna compilation LP and 3 more tracks from the same session that were not included on the LP. Comes with a 6 page foldout insert containing band history, photos, lyrics, gig flyers and more. Musically Link Lärm were different from what was going around in Italy in those years and profoundly different from Contropotere that came later. Frequent rhythm changes, from mid tempo to fast, accompanied by devilish vocals spouting caustic denunciation of the political and social issues of the time and pungent guitarwork reminiscing of early Black Flag works, although on the whole I´d say Link Lärm owe more musically to Dead Kennedys than to Black Flag. Add to the mix some 80s Italian hc/punk flavor (Impact, Upset Noise, Eu´s Arse,…) and you probably get an idea what Link Lärm sounded like)