Gli Avvoltoi Quando Vuoi Scappare (1991-1995)

June 2015
Circulation Cd: 300 copies

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Gli Avvoltoi Quando Vuoi Scappare (1991-1995)

(This album contains all the material recorded by the band, including many unreleased tracks, in the years from 1992 to 1995 and it can be considered a "definitive" collection that resumes that awesome period and photographs it in its true shades and in its essence!)What may be called the second life of Avvoltoi takes shape at the end of 1991.

Moreno Spirogi together with Sandro Piu, after the Ugly Things, decided to dust off the old initial, Gli Avvoltoi exactly. The line up is completed by Stefano "Pugnaro" Cervellati, also just back from the Ugly Things, bass player and Max Cippo, already active in many of the ‘ugly birds’ lives in the ’80s, at the keyboards.

The sound changes in the references and intentions than the 80s, the approach is rocker, harder, with some excursions approaching some kind of popsike. In this collection we find the three official recordings of that period, two singles published by Destination X and the 12" released for Vu Ballè Vu plus many unreleased songs kept for many years in a drawer and some live tracks. Analysing the songs of this collection we find three important Italianised cover, I’m A Man, Get Yourself Together and Hush, cleverly combined to tracks signed by the band characterized by a very personal propensity.

This Gli Avvoltoi’s phase hadn’t yet been assembled in a unique collection the less it has gone out on CD. Surely the most interesting part is the one of many unreleased songs, with original recordings most of them recorded on 4-track tape.

Finally, this album contains all the material recorded by the band in the years from 1992 to 1995 and it can be considered a "definitive" collection that resumes.


1 SONO UN UOMO (Winwood-Miller-Lambertini) Destination X single 1992
2 PER LA MIA FELICITA’ (Lambertini-Piu-Civolani-Lambertini) Destination X single 1992
3 HUSH (South-Lambertini) Vu Ballé Vu 12″ 1992
4 BALLAVI DI NOTTE (Piu-Lambertini) Vu Ballé Vu 12″ 1992
5 LA FOLLIA (G.Young-H.Wanda-Mogol-Pallavicini) Vu Ballé Vu 12″ 1992
6 QUANDO VUOI SCAPPARE (Marrott-Lane-Lambertini) Destination X single 1993
7 MI HANNO PORTATO SULLA LUNA (Piu-Civolani-Lambertini) Destination X single 1993
8 DAMMI LA MANO (Piu-Lambertini) Uccellacci E Uccellini 1995
9 CIRCO MAGICO (Piu-Lambertini) Demo 1994
10 LUCIFER SAM (Barrett-Lambertini) Demo 1994
11 STO DIVENTANDO UN MOSTRO (Piu Lambertini) Demo 1994
12 DIETRO LE SBARRE (Piu-Lambertini) Demo 1994
13 DOPO CAMBIERA’ (Piu-Lambertini) Demo 1994
14 DAMMI LA MANO (Piu-Lambertini) Demo 1994
15 NELL’ARIA (Les Fleur De Lys-Lambertini) Demo 1994

16 HUSH (South-Lambertini) First Version 1992
17 QUANDO VUOI SCAPPARE (Marrott-Lane-Lambertini) Different Mix 1993
18 HEY JOE (Roberts-Lambertini) Live 1993
19 GLI AVVOLTOI SONO QUA (Lambertini) Live 1993